Healthy sea air

Rustington Convalescent Home is on the most amazing site with gardens extending down to the sea. In the Victorian times, the urban areas were overcrowded, unsanitary and air quality was poor. So, when Rustington Convalescent Home was built in 1897, the site was specifically chosen to take advantage of the healing effects of the clean and fresh sea air – as contributing a factor to wellbeing then as it is today.

Health through nature

Research on the implications of living by the sea continue to show the positive effects of the sea air on a person’s health and wellbeing. Studies have shown that people feel more restored after visiting the coast than after visiting urban or rural green environments. Other studies have found better levels of general health amongst people living on the coast. Environmental psychologists working in a field called ‘Blue Health’ found people who live closer to water are healthier and happier. This piece of research led by Dr Jo Garrett suggests people who live by the sea may benefit from “reduced stress, improved air quality and immune functioning – and increased opportunities for social contact and physical activity”. Great news for guests at Rustington Convalescent Home!

“The Victorians knew what they were doing when they put us by the sea. We are convinced, as are our patients, that it’s part of why people who come to Rustington Convalescent Home make such good recoveries and leave feeling so renewed and refreshed”

Julia Haynes, General Manager of Rustington Convalescent Home

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