Post-operative recovery redefined: care every step of  the way!

Recover, recuperate, renew: your journey after your operation

Quality care during post-operative recovery leads to better outcomes and less return visits to hospital. Come and recuperate with us.

Bouncing back strong: healing from an illness or accident

We have bespoke care programmes to support recovery from illnesses or accidents. Our professional staff ensures comfort and assistance at every step.

Respite care: a break for both

A peaceful and relaxing place for short-term respite care giving temporary relief and peace of mind to caregivers and family members.

Charity contributes 50% of costs

The Rustington Convalescent Home charity pays up to 50% of the running costs  - so, as a guest, you’ll get excellent personal care at a fraction of the actual cost.

Comfortable accommodation and modern facilities

Ensuite bedrooms, comfortable communal rooms and modern medical facilities in the historic building are surrounded by stunning gardens stretching to the sea.

High quality meals  & refreshments

The ingredients for tasty, home-made and nutritious meals are carefully chosen from local providers to support individual dietary needs, recovery and well-being.

Engaging activities for overall well-being

A variety of activities from gentle exercises to board games and bingo are offered to encourage social interaction and a positive frame of mind

Tranquil house & well maintained gardens

Serene surroundings and well-maintained gardens stretching down to the sea enhance the healing atmosphere - ideal for relaxation and revitalisation.

Outstanding location with healthy sea air

Rustington Convalescent Home is strategically located so you can benefit from fresh, invigorating sea air to enhance your recovery.

Take a tour: experience the difference

Take the first step towards exceptional convalescent care by taking a virtual tour of Rustington Convalescent Home.

For more information or to arrange a stay, contact us directly.

01903 947035